I'm trying to use the rails gem for the Spotify API to find the artist(s) of a particular album. I would start by retrieving the name of the album as such:
album_results = RSpotify::Album.search("The Eminem Show")
To find the artist of that album I issued the following method to the variable above:
This returns a ton of data I don't need. All I want is the name of the artist. I was able to accomplish this partially by doing:
=> "Eminem"
What I'd like it to do is return the name all of the available artists for all album results. I tried using the select
method but once again got too much data for what I wanted:
album_results.select {|album| album.artists}
What would be the best approach to accomplish this?
Using select here will return all the records with artists
You need to use either collect
or map
my_artists = album_results.flat_map{ |album|
album.artists.collect{|artist| artist.name}
Use flat_map which returns a flattened array by default.
More efficient than using collect
and flatten!