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Can I use 'where' inside a for-loop in swift?

Is there also a possibility to use the 'where' keyword in another place then a switch? Can I use it in a for in loop for example?

I have an array with bools, all with a value, can I do something like this:

var boolArray: [Bool] = []

//(...) set values and do stuff

for value where value == true in boolArray {

This would be a lot nicer than use an if, so I am wondering if there is a possibility to use where in combination with a for-loop. Ty for your time.


  • In Swift 2, new where syntax was added:

    for value in boolArray where value == true {

    In Pre 2.0 one solution would be to call .filter on the array before you iterate it:

    for value in boolArray.filter({ $0 == true }) {