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"Failed to make context current." on a computer without Qt

So I have been trying to develop a Qt application and run it on another Windows 8.1 machine which doesn't have Qt installed. On my first computer, I used Visual Studio 2013 to develop my application and compiled it in release mode with the Multi-threaded DLL flag.

This produces a .exe file. In the same folder, I have:

accessible/                platform/
assimp.dll                 kernel32.dll                   
icudt52.dll                icuin.dll
icuuc52.dll                opengl32.dll                  
libEGL.dll                 libGLESv2.dll
Qt5Core.dll                Qt5Gui.dll
Qt5OpenGL.dll              Qt5Widgets.dll
msvcp110.dll               msvcr110.dll
msvcp120.dll               msvcr120.dll

I copied the Qt DLLs from C:/Qt32bits/5.3/msvc2013_opengl/. Except for libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll that I got from QtCreator as I couldn't find them in the previous folder. However, this shouldn't be a problem as I am compiling with msvc (not mingw), right?

In my code, at the very beginning I have:

QApplication app(argc, argv);
QGLFormat format;
format.setVersion(4, 0);

/*And then later*/

cout <<  "Creating Window" << endl;
GLWidget *widget = new GLWidget(i); //i is the id of the widget
cout << "Widget created" << endl;
cout << "Context current" << endl;

GLWidget derives from QGLWidget and in the constructor, I just set its ID attribute to i.

On my machine, everything works fine. But when I run my executable file on the second machine, I get the output:

"Creating Window"
"Failed to make context current."
"Widget created"
"Context current"

And then it crashes (MyApp.exe has stopped working)... What is weird is that "Failed to make context current" (which I believe was produced by makeCurrent()) comes before "Widget created"... Any idea of what's wrong and how I could debug this?

Thank you very much for your time and help!


  • In the end it was a mix of problems:

    1. The opengl32.dll that I was using seemed to be for 64 bits according to dependency walker (What's weird is that I took it from C:/System32/). I downloaded a new one for 32 bits and it worked fine. Thank you Sebastian Lange.

    2. The second problem probably comes from the second machine's graphic card/OpenGL. I've tried on a third computer and now it works fine. Thank you vahancho.

    Hope this can help future coders!