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JeroMQ shutdown correctly

I am wondering how to shutdown JeroMQ properly, so far I know three methods that all have their pro and cons and I have no clue which one is the best.

The situation:

  • Thread A: owns context, shall provide start/stop methods
  • Thread B: actual listener thread

My current method:

Thread A

static ZContext CONTEXT = new ZContext();
Thread thread;

public void start() {
    thread = new Thread(new B()).start();

public void stop() {
    thread.stopping = true;

Thread B

boolean stopping = false;
ZMQ.Socket socket;

public void run() {
    socket = CONTEXT.createSocket(ROUTER);
    ... // socket setup

    while (!stopping) {

    if (NUM_SOCKETS >= 1) {
    } else {

This works just great. 10ms to shutdown is no problem for me, but I will unnecessarily increase the CPU load when there are no messages received. At the moment I prefer this one.

The second method shares the socket between the two threads:

Thread A

static ZContext CONTEXT = new ZContext();
ZMQ.Socket socket;
Thread thread;

public void start() {
    socket = CONTEXT.createSocket(ROUTER);
    ... // socket setup
    thread = new Thread(new B(socket)).start();

public void stop() {
    thread.stopping = true;

Thread B

boolean stopping = false;
ZMQ.Socket socket;

public void run() {
    try {
        while (!stopping) {
    } catch (ClosedSelection) {
        // socket closed by A
        socket = null;
    if (socket != null) {
        // close socket myself
        if (NUM_SOCKETS >= 1) {
        } else {

Works like a charm, too, but even if recv is already blocking the exception does not get thrown sometimes. If I wait one millisecond after I started thread A the exception is always thrown. I don't know if this is a bug or just an effect of my misuse, as I share the socket.

"revite" asked this question before ( and got an answer which is the third solution:

Summary: They call ctx.term() and interrupt the thread blocking in socket.recv().

This works fine, but I do not want to terminate my whole context, but just this single socket. I would have to use one context per socket, so I were not able to use inproc.


At the moment I have no clue how to get thread B out of its blocking state other than using timeouts, share the socket or terminate the whole context.

What is the correct way of doing this?


  • It is often mentioned that you can just destroy the zmq context and anything sharing that context will exit, however this creates a nightmare because your exiting code has to do its best in avoiding a minefield of accidentally calling into dead socket objects.

    Attempting to close the socket doesn't work either because they are not thread safe and you'll end up with crashes.

    ANSWER: The best way is to do as the ZeroMQ guide suggests for any use via multiple threads; use zmq sockets and not thread mutexes/locks/etc. Set up an additional listener socket that you'll connect&send something to on shutdown, and your run() should used a JeroMQ Poller to check which of your two sockets receive anything - if the additional socket receives something then exit.