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Replacing a certain word in a text file

I know this has been asked a few times, but I have seen a lot of regex etc., and I'm sure there is another way to do this with just a stream reader/writer. Below is my code. I'm trying to replace "tea" with the word "cabbage". Can somebody help? I believe I have the wrong syntax.

namespace Week_9_Exer_4
    class TextImportEdit
        public void EditorialControl()
            string fileName;
            string lineReadFromFile;

            // Ask for the name of the file to be read
            Console.Write("Which file do you wish to read? ");
            fileName = Console.ReadLine();

            // Open the file for reading
            StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader("C:\\Users\\Greg\\Desktop\\Programming Files\\story.txt");

            // Read the lines from the file and display them
            // until a null is returned (indicating end of file)
            lineReadFromFile = fileReader.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the word you wish to edit out: ");
            string editWord = Console.ReadLine();            

            while (lineReadFromFile != null)
                lineReadFromFile = fileReader.ReadLine();

            String text = File.ReadAllText("C:\\Users\\Greg\\Desktop\\Programming Files\\story.txt");

            StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\Greg\\Desktop\\Programming Files\\story.txt", false);
            string newText = text.Replace("tea", "cabbage");



  • If you don't care about memory usage:

    string fileName = @"C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Programming Files\story.txt";
    File.WriteAllText(fileName, File.ReadAllText(fileName).Replace("tea", "cabbage"));

    If you have a multi-line file that doesn't randomly split words at the end of the line, you could modify one line at a time in a more memory-friendly way:

    // Open a stream for the source file
    using (var sourceFile = File.OpenText(fileName))
        // Create a temporary file path where we can write modify lines
        string tempFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), "story-temp.txt");
        // Open a stream for the temporary file
        using (var tempFileStream = new StreamWriter(tempFile)) 
            string line;
            // read lines while the file has them
            while ((line = sourceFile.ReadLine()) != null) 
                // Do the word replacement
                line = line.Replace("tea", "cabbage");
                // Write the modified line to the new file
    // Replace the original file with the temporary one
    File.Replace("story-temp.txt", "story.txt", null);