How do I create a new MultiString Array and pass it to the registry remotely using Powershell 2.0?
#get the MultiLine String Array from the registry
$regArry = (Get-Itemproperty "hklm:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA" -name "Notification Packages").("Notification Packages")
#Create a new String Array
[String[]]$tempArry = @()
#Create an ArrayList from the Registry Array so I can edit it
$tempArryList = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist(,$regArry)
# remove an entry from the list
if ( $tempArryList -contains "EnPasFlt" )
# Add an entry
if ( !($tempArryList -contains "EnPasFltV2x64"))
# Convert the list back to a multi-line Array It is NOT creating new Lines!!!
foreach($i in $tempArryList) {$tempArry += $1 = "\r\n"]}
# Remove the old Array from the Registry
(Remove-ItemProperty "hklm:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -name "notification packages").("Notification Packages")
# Add the new one
New-itemproperty "hklm:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -name "notification packages" -PropertyType MultiString -Value "$tempArry"
Everything works great except that i can't get the values to go to a new line. I've tried /r/n
and 'r'n
. My output in the registry show everything on one line and adds the literal newline and carriage return flags that I add. How do i get the Array to recognize these and not literally print them?
There's no need for fiddling around with ArrayList
and linebreaks. Particularly if you want to modify a remote registry. Simply use the Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
$server = '...'
$subkey = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA'
$value = 'Notification Packages'
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $server)
$key = $reg.OpenSubKey($subkey, $true)
$arr = $key.GetValue($value)
$arr = @($arr | ? { $_ -ne 'EnPasFlt' })
if ($arr -notcontains 'EnPasFltV2x64') {
$arr += 'EnPasFltV2x64'
$key.SetValue($value, [string[]]$arr, 'MultiString')