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Accelerometer with FFT - strange output

After reading a lot of research and works on subject I still have got problems applying FFT to my accelerometer data. Most of my code is taken from official MATLAB example: FFT for one dimension. After more reading I've found this question: FFT and accelerometer data: why am I getting this output? where there was suggestion to use windowing. So after some more reading I've added hamming window to my code.

My data looks like that on plot: enter image description here

And this is the code that I am using for FFT:

fs = 1/0.02; %0.02 comes from picking sample each 20ms
m = size(data,1);
w = hanning(m);
yw = w.*data;
n = pow2(nextpow2(yw));
y = fft(yw,size(n,1));
f = (0:size(n,1)-1)*(fs/size(n,1));
power = y.*conj(y)/size(n,1);

The problem is that my plot from this code looks like that: enter image description here

Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? To be honest I'd excepted it would look better (something like this: so that's why I am asking this question.

EDIT: My data can be found here:


  • Your Fs is 50 so the highest frequency in your data can be Fs/2 = 25Hz.

    See if this code helps.

    fid = fopen('1.txt','r');
    C = textscan(fid, '%f');
    data = C{1};
    fs = 50;
    m = length(data);
    nfft = 2^nextpow2(m);
    y = fft(data,nfft)/m;
    f = fs/2 * linspace(0,1,nfft/2+1);
    power = abs(y);
    t = (0 : m-1)/fs;
    s0 = .8*fs : 3.2*fs;  % .8 sec to 3.2 sec
    p(s0) = .5*cos(2*pi*3.3*t(s0)+.25*pi); 
    p = p + mean(data); 
    plot(t,data);hold on

    enter image description here

    This is your data in frequency domain.

    There is a peak at 3.3 Hz.

    As a proof I plotted a sinusoidal with frequency of 3.3 Hz along with your data,

    As you can see, it totally matches your data.