I know that the following is not allowed as a row filter
'canada%.txt' or 'canada*.txt'
and I guess I can rewrite my filter as
file_name like 'Canada%' and file_name like '%.txt'
should work.
But is there an easier way instead of determing where the % is and spliting the string?
I don't believe that CHARINDEX is allowed in the filter expression.
You might try to dynamically build the filter string from C# (very much untested, but here's a possible syntax):
//split the original string using the wildcard as the delimiter
string[] f = s.Split('%');
//use the resulting array to build the resultstring
string resultstring = 'file_name like "' + f[0] + '%" and file_name like "%' + f[1] + '"'
//view.RowFilter = resultstring;