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Class not found issue (Composer, PHPUnit)

Getting the following error form PHPUnit:

Fatal error: Class 'FoobarTest\Money\Money'
not found in /www/foobar/tests/FoobarTest/Money/MoneyTest.php on line 11

My structure is like:

/src/Foobar/Money/Money.php (class Money, namespace Foobar\Money)

/tests/FoobarTest/Money/Money.php (class Money, namespace FoobarTest\Money)

Autoloading done through composer:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Foobar\\": "src/"
    "psr-0": {
        "FoobarTest\\": "tests/"

Tried with PSR0, PSR2, PSR4, ...

MoneyTest class:

namespace FoobarTest\Money;

class MoneyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    // ...

Money class:

namespace Foobar\Money;

class Money
    // ...

Why is it trying to load FoobarTest\Money\Money instead of Foobar\Money\Money ?


  • To help php autoloader (and composer) you must import the target class using

    use Foobar\Money\Money;

    in your test file.

    Also you probably want to give your test file a MoneyTest.php name to match the corresponding class name.