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IntelliJ: how to force editor to treat a file as javascript?

I'm creating a Grails app in IntelliJ 10 and have a javascript file that is created dynamically, as a Grails view.

For that reason the javascript file doesn't end in '.js'. It ends in '.gsp' because it's a Groovy Server Page that spits out javascript.

IntelliJ doesn't know it's a javascript file so it doesn't give me code completion or warnings.

I want my code complete and syntax checking! Is there a way to force IntelliJ to treat this specific file as Javascript, WITHOUT messing up the IntelliJ's correct treatment of .gsp files everywhere else?



  • The above answer is slightly outdated. You can do the same in IntelliJ 14 by doing the following:

    1. Go to Preferences (Mac OSX : Cmd + Comma)
    2. Under Editor -> File Types
    3. In the Recognized File Types Highlight JavaScript files (JavaScript)
    4. Under Registered Patterns press the + button
    5. Enter your regex pattern (for example: *.js.scala.html) and press OK
