iI was given this solution to a problem in my course material.
a signal x(t)
sampled at 10 sample/sec
. consider the first 10 samples
of x(t)
x(t) = 0.3 cos(2*pi*t);
using a 8-bit quantiser find the quantisation error.
(256 quantisation levels)
Error: e256 = 9.3750e-04
There was no explanation on this, can you explain how this was calculated in detail?
For the first two code lines I prefer,
Fs = 10;
L = 10;
t = (0 : L - 1) / Fs;
x = 0.3 * cos(2 * pi * t);
where Fs
is sampling frequency, L
number of samples and t
shows the time.
Note that x
is sinusoidal with frequency of Fx = 1 Hz
or we can say that it's periodic with Tx = 1 sec
For 8-bit
quantization we have 256
levels. Since L / Fs = [10 sample] / [10 sample/sec] = 1 sec
is equal to Tx
(a whole period of x
) we can work with positive samples.
mx = max(abs(x));
is defined because in order to use floor
we need to scale the x
q256 = mx*(1/128)*floor(128*(x/mx));
shows the maximum value for x
so x / mx
will take values over [-1 1]
and 128*x/mx
over [-128 128]
will cover all 256
So we will quantize it with floor
and scale it back (mx*1/128
e256 = (1/L)*sum(abs(x-q256))
simply shows the mean error over 10 samples.
Note that if L / Fs < Tx
then this quantization won't be the optimum one.
Have in mind
The answer that you are given has some problems!
suppose x = [-1 -.2 0 .7 1];
and we want to quantize it with 2
mx = max(abs(x));
q4 = mx * (1/2) * floor(2*(x/mx));
Will give q4 = [-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1]
which has 5
levels (instead of 2^2 = 4
It might not be a big problem, you can delete the level x=1
and have q4 = [-1 -0.5 0 0.5 0.5]
, still the code needs some improvements and of course the error will increase.
A simple solution is to add
[~,ind] = max(x);
x(ind) = x(ind) - 1e-10;
after definition of mx
so the maximum values of x
will be quantized in one level lower.
The error will increase to 0.0012