I'm using Datomic (for the first time) and enjoying it fairly well.
I have a number of functions for getting things from the db, such as user. I see two ways to do this: passing the DB URI around for each route and creating a new connection each time, or storing a single connection and reusing it.
;; The uri-passing version...
(defn connect [uri] (try (datomic.api/connect uri
(defn get-user [uri user-id]
(let [db (connect uri)]
;; The db storage version
(defonce db (atom nil))
(defn get-user [user-id] (...))
I don't really like passing the uri around all the time... it feels like it clutters the function calls. What's a best practice for this?
Apparently, middleware is a good way to do this in a ring app. Here's some examples and info.