i have two generic lists with a few properties to compare but i want that the key identifiers are dynamic by a List<string>
So lets say we have the class:
class A
string Name { get; set; }
string Color1 { get; set; }
string Color2 { get; set; }
string Length { get; set; }
The user now can select from an user interface which properties of two lists of those objects need to overlap so that a correct pair is selected. This is stored in a List<string>
. As example, if the list string contains "Name" and "Color1" there will be only objects returned where "Name" and "Color1" are overlapping.
I was trying to write a function, but unfortunately i'm not sure which collection i should cast the generic lists to and how do i apply the names of the properties on those? If the name of the "identificators" were always the same, it wouldn't be a problem with Linq/Lambda ;)
Thanks in advance
You need to use reflection for this. This works:
public class A
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Color1 { get; set; }
public string Color2 { get; set; }
public string Length { get; set; }
public static IEnumerable<A> Intersecting(IEnumerable<A> input, List<string> propertyNames)
if(input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("input must not be null ", "input");
if (!input.Any() || propertyNames.Count <= 1)
return input;
var properties = typeof(A).GetProperties();
var validNames = properties.Select(p => p.Name);
if (propertyNames.Except(validNames, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).Any())
throw new ArgumentException("All properties must be one of these: " + string.Join(",", validNames), "propertyNames");
var props = from prop in properties
join name in validNames.Intersect(propertyNames, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
on prop.Name equals name
select prop;
var allIntersecting = input
.Select(a => new {
Object = a,
FirstVal = props.First().GetValue(a, null),
Rest = props.Skip(1).Select(p => p.GetValue(a, null)),
.Select(x => new {
x.Object, x.FirstVal, x.Rest,
UniqueValues = new HashSet<object>{ x.FirstVal }
.Where(x => x.Rest.All(v => !x.UniqueValues.Add(v)))
.Select(x => x.Object);
return allIntersecting;
Sample data:
var aList = new List<A> {
new A { Color1 = "Red", Length = "2", Name = "Red" }, new A { Color1 = "Blue", Length = "2", Name = "Blue" },
new A { Color1 = "Red", Length = "2", Name = "A3" }, new A { Color1 = "Blue", Length = "2", Name = "A3" },
new A { Color1 = "Red", Length = "3", Name = "Red" }, new A { Color1 = "Blue", Length = "2", Name = "A6" },
var intersecting = A.Intersecting(aList, new List<string> { "Color1", "Name" }).ToList();