I am very new to Twitter processing in java. Have done it in python though. I have gone through many websites and started to analyze the concepts but am unable to understand the code involved in authenticating with twitter API v1.1.
Also I want to pass the URL link as a query for example I want tweets from @BCCI involving Sachin in the tweet. The search URL is https://twitter.com/search?q=%40BCCI%20Sachin&src=typd&lang=es
I have a query with keyword:
Query query = new Query("@BCCI"); query.setRpp(100);
Please assist me how I can approch this. Thank you.
Simply add multiple queries like this
Query query = new Query("@BCCI Sachin");
This means "@BCCI" and "Sachin".
If you want either of them, you can use new Query("@BCCI OR Sachin")
Many operators are available: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public/search