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java if statement doesn't work inside if(item instanceof nomclass)

I have just wrote an actionPerformed for my save button, that will save data into arraylists, but before that I must be sure that all fields are not empty so if a textfield is empty I want to show a dialogbox and put all empty textfield in red background color

here is my code

//Field outside constructor
private List<Component> comp;

//inside constructor
comp = getAllComponents(this);
public static List<Component> getAllComponents(final Container c) {
    Component[] comps = c.getComponents();
    List<Component> compList = new ArrayList<Component>();
    for (Component comp : comps) {
        if (comp instanceof Container)
            compList.addAll(getAllComponents((Container) comp));
    return compList;


if(e.getSource() == savebtn){
        for(Component item:comp){
                if(item instanceof JTextField){
                    JTextField txtField = (JTextField)item;
//here is my problem: with no if statement my program works fine and puts all textfields in red but I want to highlight just empty textfields;
                    if(txtField.getText() == null)


so how can I solve this problem? thank you very much


  • Yes Maroun Maroun is right you're checking if the String is null (The Object doesn't exsit). But you want to check if the String is empty. I think the other answer solves you're Problem, but the cleaner solution is to use the isempty method.


    I would have added a comment to the other answer, but my reputation is not high enough...