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Can xtable produce \captionof instead of \caption?

Having read the docs I think this is unlikely, but decide to ask regardless.

I'm writing a poster, and the tabular has to stay within the center environment instead of table environment. (The table environment is a float, which does not work within the boxes of a poster).

This leads to the need for \captionof instead of \caption to put a caption inside a center environment. Is xtable capable of such a thing?


  • \caption is hard coded. See source of print.xtable.R.

    if (tabular.environment == "longtable" && caption.placement == "top") {
                if (is.null(short.caption)){
                    BCAPTION <- "\\caption{"
                } else {
                    BCAPTION <- paste("\\caption[", short.caption, "]{", sep = "")

    Way around this would be to do gsub on the result before you pass it to the interpreter. Something along the lines of gsub("\\caption", "\captionof", x).