I am trying to use Clojure - Seesaw to read from a file and convert the string into a map (variables) so that I can use them to print to a GUI. Below is my current code:
(ns store.core
(:require [seesaw.core :as seesaw]))
(defn -main
[& args]
(spit "amovies.txt" "")
;(spit "amovies.txt" (pr-str [{:id 1 :qty 4 :name "movie1" :price 3.50}
; {:id 2 :qty 5 :name "movie2" :price 3.00}]) :append true)
(spit "amovies.txt" "movie: Movie_Name\nprice: 5\nid: 1\nquantity: 2" :append true)
(print (read-string (slurp "amovies.txt")))
(with-open [rdr (reade "amovies.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(println-str line)))
I am stuck figuring out how to read the string from amovies.txt line by line and then create a map with it. The desired output should be something like movie: Movie_Name price: 5 id: 1 quantity: 2
but in a way so that if I were to say, :movie, it would reference the name of the movie.
Can someone help? All help is appreciated!
(def movies-as-map
(let [lines (with-open [rdr (reade "amovies.txt")]
(line-seq rdr))]
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(map read-string lines))))
user> (def movie
(binding [*read-eval* false]
"{:id 1 :qty 4 :name \"movie1\" :price 3.50}")))
user> (keys movie)
(:id :qty :name :price)
(spit "amovies.txt"
(pr-str [{:id 1 :qty 4 :name "movie1" :price 3.50}
{:id 2 :qty 5 :name "movie2" :price 3.00}])
:append true)
(spit "amovies.txt"
"movie: Movie_Name\nprice: 5\nid: 1\nquantity: 2"
:append true)
docs: https://clojure.github.io/clojure/branch-master/clojure.core-api.html#clojure.core/read-string
It looks like your passing a ton of arguments to seesaw/show!.
The documentation states
Usage: (show! targets)
Show a frame, dialog or widget.
If target is a modal dialog, the call will block and show! will return the dialog's result. See (seesaw.core/return-from-dialog).
Returns its input.