I am having a difficult time grasping the concept of proving the correctness of a iterative program/function in my Theory of Computation course. More specifically, I don't know how to come up with a loop invariant. I understand that a function can have multiple loop invariants but it's a complete mystery to me as to how to find one that helps us prove the post condition. I am currently working through some homework and don't know how to find the loop invariant for the following function.
PREcondition: a is a number, b is a natural number.
POSTcondition: return a^b.
def power(a, b):
s = a
k = b
p = 1
while k > 0:
if k % 2 == 1:
p = p * s
s = s * s
k = k // 2
return p
As of now, I understand how the function works, but as I've stated before, I'm super lost when trying to find an appropriate loop invariant that will help me show that this function returns a^b.
Note that while ^
means "power" in some languages, in Python it is bitwise xor. The power operator is **
Here are a couple that check that the loop is heading toward the correct result
while k > 0:
assert s ** k * p == a ** b
if k % 2 == 1:
p = p * s
s = s * s
k = k // 2
assert k == 0 or s ** k * p == a ** b
It's also possible to write defensive invariants like
s >= a
n <= b