I've got a block of code that I've written which doesn't compile because the if/then/else block isn't set out in a way the compiler understands, however I can't figure out how to rewrite it so that it can.
playRandomly board = do
let vMoves = getValidMoves board board
if vMoves == [] then return [] else
rMove <- uniform vMoves
let Just nBoard = runMove board rMove
rest <- playRandomly nBoard
return (rMove : rest)
basically the function uniform
will divide by zero if the list is empty, so I need a way to catch this and return the empty list before carrying on with the do statement. Any advice?
You can wrap the remaining commands in a new do
playRandomly board = do
let vMoves = getValidMoves board board
if vMoves == []
then return []
else do
rMove <- uniform vMoves
let Just nBoard = runMove board rMove
rest <- playRandomly nBoard
return (rMove : rest)
I want to warn you, however, that if you do this a multiple times, your code will staircase outward and become unreadable. To solve this, you can break apart functions, or use a monad for error checking.