I'm following Codecademy's Ruby course, about 85% done.
Over and over it asks you to create a class and pass in some parameters and make them instance variables, like this for example:
class Computer
def initialize(username, password)
@username = username
@password = password
Every time, it asks you to make the exact same instance variables as the parameters you passed in.
It made me wonder if there is a Ruby way to handle this automatically, removing the need to type it all out yourself every time.
I am aware you can do
class Computer
def initialize(username, password)
@username, @password = username, password
but that's hardly less typing.
I did some searching and found that you can create a set of 'getters' using attr_reader
class Song
attr_reader :name, :artist, :duration
aSong = Song.new("Bicylops", "Fleck", 260)
aSong.artist # "Fleck"
aSong.name # "Bicylops"
aSong.duration # 260
But as far as I can tell that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm not trying to auto create getters and/or setters. What I'm looking for would be something like this
class Person
def initialize(name, age, address, dob) #etc
# assign all passed in parameters to equally named instance variables
# for example
# name, age, address and dob would now be accessible via
# @name, @age, @address and @dob, respectively
I did some searching for ruby shortcut for assigning instance variables and alike but couldn't find an answer.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Person = Struct.new(:name, :artist, :duration) do
# more code to the Person class
Your other option is to pass a Hash/keyword of variables instead and use something like ActiveModel::Model https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activemodel/lib/active_model/model.rb#L78-L81
def initialize(params={})
params.each do |attr, value|
self.instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", value)
end if params