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Firebase social media authentication just displaying a blank screen

I'm trying to hook up the social media authentication using the Firebase authentication providers but all I'm getting is a blank screen from both Facebook & Twitter.

I've tested locally and even made the site live but nothing but a blank screen.

this is my Facebook auth code

authRef.authWithOAuthPopup('facebook', function(error, authData) { 
}, {
  remember: 'sessionOnly',
  scope: 'email,public_profile'

And this is my Twitter snippet:

authRef.authWithOAuthPopup('twitter', function(error, authData) {
  if (authData) {
    // the access token will allow us to make Open Graph API calls


To note I'm using the latest version of Firebase v2.0.5 were the SimpleLogin is part of core and not a separate library.

    New Firebase instance:
var authRef = new Firebase(myfirebase);

Click event:

   $('social-auth').on('click',function(e) {
        var socialSite = this.getAttribute('data-social-site');

    If(socialSite === 'facebook') {
        // this where the Facebook OAuthPopUp is called.


  • Ok I think there must of been a bug in v2.0.4 as I've upgraded to v2.0.5 and now the authentication from Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus are now working no problem.