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Adjust the line height in inno?

Is it possible the Adjust the line height in inno setup I have 4 lines of text (see pic) and I want to add more space between line to line, is that possible?

enter image description here

here Is my code:

CB_txt := TNewStaticText.Create(SPPage);
CB_txt.Parent := SPPage.Surface;
CB_txt.Left := ScaleX(0);
CB_txt.Top := SP_Title.Top +30;
CB_txt.Width := ScaleX(300);
CB_txt.Height := ScaleY(100);
CB_txt.Color := -16777211;
CB_txt.Font.Color := 536870911; 
CB_txt.Font.Name := 'Arial';
CB_txt.Font.size := 9;
CB_txt.Caption := SPCBtext1 + #10 + SPCBtext2 + #10 + SPCBtext3 + #10 + SPCBtext4 ;
CB_txt.TabOrder := 1;


  • No, without window proc. interception and owner drawing it is not possible since the TNewStaticText control is based on the system Static Control control and in this case it is the system who renders the control (and who chooses line spacing when word break is enabled). And Static Control itself has no option to setup line spacing, so the only option would be owner drawing.

    I would use one TNewStaticText control per line.