I have 2 Classes: Event and Participant. Here are their attributes.
When a user want to participate on event I create Participant object and assign event to it and also user. Later on I want to get all the Events that have Participants for current user. And this events need to be ordered by startingDate ascending.
I created a query that gets all the participants for current user, and the I read the event addribute from it, but I really need that events will be ordered by its starting date. How should I approach this. I created Participant class because I need to save the data that user create for this event.
EDIT: I tried this one:
PFQuery *eventQuery = [Event query];
[eventQuery orderByAscending:@"startingDate"];
PFQuery *participantQuery = [Participant query];
[participantQuery includeKey:@"user"];
[participantQuery includeKey:@"event"];
[participantQuery whereKey:@"user" equalTo:[PFUser currentUser];
[participantQuery whereKey:@"event" matchesQuery:eventQuery];
[participantQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
NSMutableArray *eventsArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (Participant *participant in objects) {
[eventsArray addObject:participant.event];
here I can use eventsArray
But this one just ignores the [eventQuery orderByAscending:@"startingDate"];
line. I also need to ask for opinion that I choose the approach to first fetch the Participants and then put them in a for loop to get their events and saves them in an array. Is this good? It seems wrong, why do I need to fetch participant if I acctualy need Events for User.
If your Event class had a reference to the Participant class (either as Array
or Relation<Participant>
depending on size) named participants
, then you could do something like the following:
PFQuery *eventQuery = [Event query];
PFQuery *participantQuery = [Participant query];
[participantQuery whereKey:@"user" equalTo:[PFUser currentUser]];
[eventQuery whereKey:@"participants" matchesQuery:participantQuery];
[eventQuery orderByAscending:@"startingDate"];
[eventQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
// objects array contains your Event objects
You just need to update your code that creates Participant
objects to also add it to the participants
column of the Event