Is it possible using Thinking Sphinx for it to output 8 (or other specified) similar users? For example I am on a Males profile page that lives in California. Under the Similar Users section it would show 8 other Males from California. It would be a random 8, no specific order. Just the gender and state location of the current user page needs to be the same.
I understand implementing geo distance with Sphinx, curious to how to show similar results based on user information. Does someone have an example of this?
You could take the geodistance approach as suggested by iMacTia - though I fear that may be overkill.
I'm presuming both state and gender are fields in your Sphinx index for users. This is in the context of your controller, where you're viewing @user
and want similar users.
:conditions => {:state => @user.state, :gender => @user.gender}
:without => {:sphinx_internal_id =>},
:order => 'RAND()',
:per_page => 8
Breaking down each of those options: