I have numbers like this: 666/2014, 01/2014, 1/2014, 02/2014, 125/2014, 06/2014 ...etc as STRING named 'n_inscription' in database. I want to retrieve those strings In ORDER from database
I used this:
$sql_students = $bd->query("SELECT * FROM `es_student_infos`
WHERE school_year='$school_year'
ORDER BY right(n_inscription, 4) * 1,
substring_index(n_inscription, '/', 1) * 1");
I get result like this: 01/2014, 02/2014, 06/2014, 1/2014, 125/2014, 666/2014
and the result I'm looking for is like this: 01/2014, 1/2014, 02/2014, 06/2014, 125/2014, 666/2014
any suggestion please?
The best approach is probably to normalize the input so normal sorting does what you want it to do. For example, store the student number and year in two separate INTEGER
columns and then ORDER BY studentNumber ASC, inscriptionYear ASC
If that's absolutely not possible:
CAST(RIGHT(n_inscription, 4) AS UNSIGNED) ASC,
CAST(LEFT(n_inscription, LOCATE('/', n_inscription) - 1) AS UNSIGNED) ASC
Link to fiddle demonstrating the solution: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/a5538/1/0