I'm trying to submit a new build to iTunes Connect but I keep getting this error: iTunes Store Operation failed: Error description not available while submitting.
The strange thing is that I already succeeded uploading 3 builds to iTunes Connect. But now I keep getting this error, it has been happening for 4 days now so I guess it's not an issue on Apple's servers. I tried changing build and version numbers, as wel as re-creating provisioning profiles etc.
Who can help? After 4 days this is kinda frustrating, I need to submit this app.
Thanks for any help!
Solved it. The only thing I did different this time was the location where I did it. Turned out you cannot submit apps to Apple on some networks..
Edit: You have to make sure that ports 443 and 33001 are avalaible. More info in this document: https://itunesconnect.apple.com/docs/UsingApplicationLoader.pdf