I have created hybrid app in Windows phone 8.1
One of my pages uses the webview control.
It has an img element on it.
I have a small image as part of the build of my application. The 'copy to Output Directory' is set to 'Copy always'
I have followed the instructions from this page: enter link description here
None of the samples work.
If I could assign that image in my c# code then that would be another alternative to use?
I would need to know how to get the absolute path of my image in my solutions and then get the ID from the webview?
I am guessing here.
Can this be done?
My html on aspx page on my server
<img src="/Images/eyeon.png" />
I added the eyeon.png image to my C# solution.
For anyone following this, this worked for me:
src = "ms-appx-web:///Images/NoFeed.jpg"