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Scroll to top with animation using only Polymer (0.5.1)?

I created a paper-fab in the bottom right corner of the screen. I want to make it so that when a user clicks on this button, it scrolls to the top of the page (with an animation). Is there any way I can do this using Polymer instead of jQuery/JavaScript? Thanks for the help!


  • You can create custom element

    <link rel="import" href="/bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
    <link rel="import" href="/bower_components/paper-fab/paper-fab.html">
    <polymer-element name="custom-fab" extends="paper-fab" on-tap="scrollToTop">
            var scrollTop = function() {
                var scrollDuration = 500;
                var scrollStep = -window.scrollY / (scrollDuration / 15),
                    scrollInterval = setInterval(function(){
                        if ( window.scrollY != 0 ) {
                            window.scrollBy( 0, scrollStep );
                        else clearInterval(scrollInterval); 
                scrollToTop: function() {