I have formed a batch command script below but it doesn't work in Windows XP with Power User permission
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a
set YYYY=%dt:~0,4%
set MM=%dt:~4,2%
set DD=%dt:~6,2%
set HH=%dt:~8,2%
set Min=%dt:~10,2%
set Sec=%dt:~12,2%
set stamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%
xcopy "D:\secure" "D:\secure_bak\bak - %stamp%" /i
I am getting an error as below
Failed to register mof file(s). Only the administrator group members can use WMIC.EXE. Reason:Win32 Error: Access is denied
Please suggest alternative for WMIC.EXE so I can also use this with Power User permission in XP.
Thank in advance for your help.
This script gives you reliable variables but using VBS in a batch file:
:: date time using WSH/VBS
:: datetime.bat V4.2
:: This uses Windows Scripting Host to set variables to
:: the current date/time/day/day_number/week_of_year etc
:: for Win9x/ME/NT/W2K/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 etc
:: Thanks go to Todd Vargo for his scripting
@echo off
set TmpFile="%temp%.\tmp.vbs"
echo> %TmpFile% n=Now
echo>>%TmpFile% With WScript
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set m1=" + monthname(month(n), true)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set m2=" + monthname(month(n), false)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set woy=" + CStr(datepart("ww", n))
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set year=" + CStr(Year(n))
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set yr=" + Right(Year(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set month="+ Right(100+Month(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set day=" + Right(100+Day(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set hour=" + Right(100+Hour(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set min=" + Right(100+Minute(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set sec=" + Right(100+Second(n),2)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set dow=" + WeekDayName(Weekday(n),1)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set dow2=" + WeekDayName(Weekday(n))
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set iso=" + CStr(1 + Int(n-2) mod 7)
echo>>%TmpFile% .Echo "set iso2=" + CStr(Weekday(n,2))
echo>>%TmpFile% End With
cscript //nologo "%temp%.\tmp.vbs" > "%temp%.\tmp.bat"
call "%temp%.\tmp.bat"
del "%temp%.\tmp.bat"
del %TmpFile%
set TmpFile=
set stamp=%year%-%month%-%day%.%hour%_%min%_%sec%
if not "%~1"=="" goto :EOF
echo The year is "%year%" or "%yr%"
echo The month is "%month%" "%m1%" "%m2%"
echo The day is "%day%" "%dow%" "%dow2%"
echo ISO8601 Day-Of-Week number is "%iso%" and week of year is: "%woy%"
echo The time in hh:mm:ss is "%hour%:%min%:%sec%"
echo The hour is "%hour%"
echo The minute is "%min%"
echo The second is "%sec%"
echo The date and time stamp is "%stamp%"
echo date A yyyymmdd "%year%%month%%day%"
echo date B mmddyyyy "%month%%day%%year%"
echo date C ddmmyyyy "%day%%month%%year%"
echo date D yymmdd "%yr%%month%%day%"
echo date E mmddyy "%month%%day%%yr%"
echo date F ddmmyy "%day%%month%%yr%"
:: datetime.bat