I am new to haskell programming. I would like an example code of how I can quit a main program by entering a command (for example QUIT)and go back to the default Prelude> screen. I am using the GHC 7.8.3 interpreter. Please also mention which which module(s) I would need to import if any. I have been searching all over and trying different things but nothing seems to work. Really want to know how to do this asap. Thank you very much in advance
This SO answer contains a basic read-execute loop: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27094682/866915
When you see the Prelude>
prompt you are operating within the program ghci
, and you will get back to that prompt when the function you've called returns.
An abbreviated example:
main = do
let loop = do putStr "Type QUIT to quit: "
str <- getLine
if str == "QUIT"
then return ()
else loop