I have a function here that copies a portion of an array (first to last) to a new array. When I ran the code, I ended up getting seg fault. I know that seg faults happen when I don't allocate enough space to the array or when I try to access memory that hasn't been allocated. But for my len, I already set it as last-first+1 which should be enough to encompass the portion of the array that I want to copy. But why does it still give me seg fault? Or am I missing something?
Here is the struct for my code I've done:
typedef struct {
int* data;
unsigned int len;
} intarr_t;
Here's the function to copy the portion of the array to a new one:
intarr_t* intarr_copy_subarray( intarr_t* ia,
unsigned int first,
unsigned int last )
unsigned int len = last-first+1;
intarr_t* newia = malloc(sizeof(intarr_t));
assert (newia);
newia->data = malloc(sizeof(int)*len);
assert (newia->data);
newia->len = len;
if (newia == 0 || ia == NULL || last < first)
return NULL;
for (int x = first; x <= last; x++)
memcpy (newia->data[x], ia->data[x], (len*sizeof(int)));
return newia;
free (newia);
return 0;
Change these statements
for (int x = first; x <= last; x++)
memcpy (newia->data[x], ia->data[x], (len*sizeof(int)));
memcpy ( newia->data, ia->data + first, len * sizeof( int ) );
or to
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
newia->data[i] = ia->data[i + first];
Also this condition
if (newia == 0 || ia == NULL || last < first)
return NULL;
is erroneous. You have to free allocated memory in this block in case either ia is equal to NULL or last < first.
You should check these conditions before allocating memory.