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Deriving Generic from data declared in another file fails

I have these two modules:

module Server where
import Data.JSON.Schema.Generic (gSchema)
import Data.JSON.Schema.Types (JSONSchema(schema))
import Two
instance JSONSchema Data where 
    schema = gSchema
main :: IO ()
main = undefined

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Two where
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Data = Data {
    scName :: String
} deriving Generic

When trying to build the project containing these two files, the ghc in linking phase throws several errors looking like this: (They only differ in the (.data+0XXXX) part).

dist/dist-sandbox-190abc84/build/libHSserver-0.1.a(Server.o):(.data+0x1b8): undefined reference to `serverzm0zi1_Two_zdfGenericData_closure'

And final message is:

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I tried this with ghc 7.8.3 and 7.6.3 and they both behave similarly.

I can make this functionality work if put all the code into one module.

Can anyone explain, what's happening here, please?


  • I'm using GHC 7.8.3 (from the Haskell Platform). Below is a cabal.config file with the specific versions used in the sandbox.

    constraints: aeson ==,
                 array ==,
                 attoparsec ==,
                 base ==,
                 bytestring ==,
                 containers ==,
                 deepseq ==,
                 dlist ==0.7.1,
                 generic ==,
                 generic-aeson ==,
                 generic-deriving ==1.7.0,
                 ghc-prim ==,
                 hashable ==,
                 integer-gmp ==,
                 json-schema ==,
                 mtl ==,
                 old-locale ==,
                 pretty ==,
                 primitive ==,
                 rts ==1.0,
                 scientific ==,
                 syb ==0.4.1,
                 tagged ==0.7.3,
                 template-haskell ==,
                 text ==,
                 time ==1.4.2,
                 transformers ==,
                 unordered-containers ==,
                 vector ==