In my current application, i am performing an update by invoking T-SQL Update command. The problem is when the same record is locked by other users at that time.
At .NET application, the application will wait until SQL Server timeout, then it will throw the SqlException timeout.
Is it possible to perform a check first whether a particular record is locked by other process rather than catching the exception ?
No, not really.
The standard way is to use try/catch
and handle SqlException
Number 1205
(deadlock victim), and retry your query:
// do stuff...
catch (SqlException sqlEx)
switch (sqlEx.Number)
case -2: // Client Timeout
case 701: // Out of Memory
case 1204: // Lock Issue
case 1205: // >>> Deadlock Victim
// handle deadlock
case 1222: // Lock Request Timeout
case 2627: // Primary Key Violation
case 8645: // Timeout waiting for memory resource
case 8651: // Low memory condition
[Note: break statements not added for compactness
Also note, many locking issues can be eliminated by providing the appropriate covering indexes.
You can retrieve a complete list of SQL Server's error messages by querying sys.messages
SELECT * FROM sys.messages
WHERE language_id = 1033
ORDER BY message_id