I am creating a set of models in a way that certain models can contain details from multiple parent classes. My project requires me to have these main classes:
-- {class name} {file name they are contained in}
-- Attraction (attraction.py)
-- Tours (tours.py)
-- Transit (transit.py)
-- Flight (flight.py)
-- Accomodation (accomodation.py)
Each one of them has multiple common fields, which are modelled into common models ; I want to have foreign key from the classes above to the ones below:
-- Contact (contact.py)
-- Address (address.py)
-- LocationMetadata (location.py)
-- Duration (duration.py)
-- Price (price.py)
I made foreign key from
attraction --> contact, address, location, price
transit --> location, price
accomodation --> location, type, price, contact, address
Example Model Atraction :
class Attraction(models.Model):
('SCENIC', 'SNC'),
type = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=ATTRACTION_TYPE)
I want to create the admin access to have ( attraction, transit, accomodation) as access points and rest to be inline to them. But this is not permitted in Django... is there a way to go around it???
This proved to be the best solution for what i needed to do.
It provides a multiselect field inside model itself; and adds all the selected entries as csv's .