After months of not working on a Symfony project I have came back to it and done a composer update
to update all my dependencies.
One dependencies that was out of date was Sonata Admin and what I have found since that update is that all the paths when I view the /admin/dashboard/
are broken - so my admin is borked.
This is what Firefox error console is saying:
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
This is in my composer.json
"sonata-project/admin-bundle": "dev-master",
"sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle": "2.2.7",
Is there any config I need to make to get this working again? I don't have those scripts in the paths that it is looking for.
It depends what "sonata-project/admin-bundle": "dev-master", requires. See Latest version is 2.4.x
Try with version 2.3: "sonata-project/admin-bundle": "2.3.*@dev".
If you still want to use 2.4 (dev-master) version, then check requirements for that version and replace require packages (and versions) in composer.json.