I am trying to post a FB Custom story in Android using Open Graph(Share Dialog Method). The code was working very well and posted successfully, until I had added action.setPlace(). Now the Share dialog is appearing correctly. But when I click the 'POST' button, a wierd error message comes as follows
"We are Sorry, this post is no longer available. It may have been removed"
And in onActivityResult(), I get the following exception "com.facebook.FacebookException: Error publishing message"
Here is my code
OpenGraphObject place = OpenGraphObject.Factory
place.setProperty("title", "Shell Stations Tunisia");
place.setProperty("description", "Best Gas Station in Tunisia");
OpenGraphAction action = GraphObject.Factory
action.setProperty("shell_gas_station", place);
//Set a Place - THIS CAUSED THE PROBLEM - Place ID is correct
GraphPlace my_current_location = GraphObject.Factory
FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder(
this, action, "shellstationstunisia:travel",
I solved the problem by myself. It was an Authentication issue. I had to enable 'Place' Capabilites from FB Developer Panel. Just follow the steps given below,
Now your app would work fine :)