I have the log file of which i have pasted two rows below:
Nov 26 14:20:32 date=2014-11-26 time=14:18:37 devname=XXXXCCCFFFFF devid=XXXCCVVGFFDD logid=3454363464 type=traffic subtype=forward level=notice vd=root srcip= srcport=62032 srcintf="Combo_LAN" dstip=X.X.X.X dstport=X dstintf="wan2" sessionid=16172588 status=close user="X.X" group="Open Group" policyid=2 dstcountry="United States" srccountry="Reserved" trandisp=snat transip=X.X.X.X transport=X service=HTTP proto=6 applist="Block_Applications" duration=11 sentbyte=2377 rcvdbyte=784 sentpkt=6 rcvdpkt=7 identidx=5 utmaction=passthrough utmevent=webfilter utmsubtype=ftgd-cat urlcnt=1 hostname="tacoda.at.atwola.com" catdesc="Advertising"
Nov 26 14:20:32 date=2014-11-26 time=14:18:37 devname=XXXXCCCFFFFF devid=XXXCCVVGFFDD logid=3454363464 type=utm subtype=webfilter eventtype=ftgd_allow level=notice vd="root" policyid=2 identidx=5 sessionid=15536743 user="X.X" srcip=X.X.X.X srcport=X srcintf="Combo_LAN" dstip=X.X.X.X dstport=80 dstintf="wan2" service="http" hostname="streaming.sbismart.com" profiletype="Webfilter_Profile" profile="Open Group_Policy" status="passthrough" reqtype="direct" url="/diffusion/" sentbyte=984 rcvdbyte=202 msg="URL belongs to an allowed category in policy" method=domain class=0 cat=18 catdesc="Brokerage and Trading"
My question is i can parse the data if number of columns and order is fixed.
But, how do i parse the dynamic columns in the config file so that i don't get the _grokparsefailure
Plugin can help you.
Here is the configuration:
input {
filter {
ruby {
code => '
msg = event["message"]
msgIndex = msg.index("date=")
msgInsert = msg[msgIndex..-1]
msgMap = msgInsert.scan(/(\w+)=("(.*?)"|([^ ]+))/).map { |(first, second)| [first, second] }
for x in msgMap
key = x[0]
value = x[1]
event[key] = value
output {
codec => rubydebug
loop to insert all the value.I have try your logs and I can create all the correspond field with the value. Hope this can help you