I know that with the Mandrill syntax that I can send in user specific info by doing something like this:
def confirmation_instructions(record, token, opts={})
options = {
:subject => 'Email confirmation',
:email => record.email,
:name => record.first_name,
:global_merge_vars => [
name: 'email',
content: record.email
name: 'confirmation_link',
content: record.confirmation_token
:template => 'confirm_email'
but how do I send the actual confirmation link that is in the devise confirmation instructions html.erb?
<p><%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token) %></p>
I edited so I send this link:
content: 'http://localhost:3000/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=' + record.confirmation_token
It still doesn't work, I think because the token is actually encrypted. I'm thinking this is the case because when I use the default mailer the token is a lot shorter than the token I get from record.confirmation_token.
Can someone let me know how to pass the correct token to Mandrill?
I had the same issue, what worked for me was using 'token' instead of 'record.confirmation_token'. It seems that Devise's latests updates changed some Mailer's methods config.
Instead of: http://domain.com/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=' + record.confirmation_token
Use: http://domain.com/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=' + token
Let me know if it helps you.