I have the following code:
program main
character (len=15) :: abc = "te st tex t"
print *, trim(abc)
end program main
Which outputs:
te st tex t
I excepted all the whitespace to be removed but it wasn't. How can I remove all the whitespace from the string?
Trim will remove spaces only at the edges, not in the middle (this is common behaviour on almost all languages/libraries). If you want to remove all spaces in the string, you will have to create your own function to do this, iterating through the string.
program Test
implicit none
! Variables
character(len=200) :: string
! Body of Test
string = 'Hello World 7 9'
print *, string
call StripSpaces (string)
print *, string
subroutine StripSpaces(string)
character(len=*) :: string
integer :: stringLen
integer :: last, actual
stringLen = len (string)
last = 1
actual = 1
do while (actual < stringLen)
if (string(last:last) == ' ') then
actual = actual + 1
string(last:last) = string(actual:actual)
string(actual:actual) = ' '
last = last + 1
if (actual < last) &
actual = last
end do
end subroutine
end program Test
This was tested on intel compiler, not on gfortran, but I think it will work.