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Delphi 7 - Decode base 64 string to a file

I am trying to find a way to decode base64 string and then save it to a file using Delphi 7 (this specific Delphi version).

The base64 string it-self is a PDF file, encoded to base64 as part of HL7 message. Almost all examples that I found were not compatible with Delphi 7.

Anyone can help?


As suggested by Remy Lebeau to use TidDecoderMIME. Is this the correct way to decode and save to binary file?

var MStream:TMemoryStream; Decoder:TIdDecoderMIME; Base64: string; begin Decoder := TIdDecoderMIME.Create(nil); MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; Base64 := 'abcd1234'; Decoder.DecodeToStream(Base64,MStream); MStream.SaveToFile('example.pdf'); FreeAndNil(Decoder); FreeAndNil(MStream); end;


  • Delphi ships with Indy, which has a TIdDecoderMIME class for decoding base64 strings.