The output of the below
wmic logicaldisk get providername /value
using cmd (with limited user rights) on the computer I'm using is:
I'm tring to get to the following stored in a variable named %drives_paths_wmic%:
\\xxx-SN-NA01\Users2\N\ni \\xxx-sn-na01\Software_Ca \\xxx-sn-na01\TSO
Then for the content of this to be transferred into the variable %file%.
The batch code I currently have is:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic logicaldisk get providername /value') do (
echo %%A >> %drive_paths_Wmic%
echo %drive_paths_Wmic%
echo %drive_paths_Wmic% >> %file%
Edit: the problem is that nothing gets stored in the %drive_paths_Wmic% variable.
Since the batch file would need to be run on Windows 7 and XP computers, I can't use PowerShell. Please advise changes to the batch code in order to do this?
You do not specify a problem. However:
'1'. delims==
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('wmic logicaldisk get providername /value') do @echo %%A
Is the output from above command right? I dare say not, because
'2'. all output from wmic is Unicode. To convert to ASCII try next code snippet:
wmic logicaldisk get providername /value >somename.txt
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('type somename.txt') do @echo %%A
'3'. Result to variable:
set "file="
rem variable initialized now
rem ... some code ...
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('type somename.txt') do set file=!file! %%A
rem ... some code ...
echo !file!
echo %file%
or may be set "file=!file! %%A"
as well
Complete batch:
@SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "drive_paths_Wmic="
rem variable initialized now
rem ... some code ...
wmic logicaldisk get providername /value >somename.txt
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('type somename.txt') do (
set drive_paths_Wmic=!drive_paths_Wmic! %%A
@rem ... some code ...
echo !drive_paths_Wmic!
echo %drive_paths_Wmic%
goto :eof
Output (on my computer):
\\pc1870a\ttemp \\PC1870A\Install
\\pc1870a\ttemp \\PC1870A\Install
Output (part with echo ON
C:\bat>wmic logicaldisk get providername /value 1>somename.txt
C:\bat>for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %A in ('type somename.txt') do set drive_paths_Wmic=!drive_paths_Wmic! %A
C:\bat>set drive_paths_Wmic=!drive_paths_Wmic! \\pc1870a\ttemp
C:\bat>set drive_paths_Wmic=!drive_paths_Wmic! \\PC1870A\Install
C:\bat>rem ... some code ...
C:\bat>echo !drive_paths_Wmic!
\\pc1870a\ttemp \\PC1870A\Install
C:\bat>echo \\pc1870a\ttemp \\PC1870A\Install
\\pc1870a\ttemp \\PC1870A\Install
And if %file%
variable contains valid filename, then you could redirect echo to that file, e.g. echo bubu >> anyname.txt
appends text bubu (on a new line) to file anyname.txt
. In your script:
set file="anyname.txt"
echo %drive_paths_Wmic% >> %file%