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custom bash completion with whitespace and paths

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have my bash_completion file setup as such:

    local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$( --complete $cur)" -- $cur) )
complete -o filenames -o nospace -F _bcd bcd is a program that will return directories paths up the tree: --complete Th produces: This\ test/ But:

22:50:24-Josh@Joshuas-MacBook-Air:~/Desktop/bcd/This test/more    white/t$ bcd Th<TAB><TAB>
This   test/

As shown above, it doesn't auto complete for directories with whitespace in them (but it shows the completion option).

It should look like this: bcd This\ test/

I thought -o filenames should add the backslashes to escape the whitespace. Thanks for any help :)


  • Your single call to compgen produces a single word (containing embdedded newlines), so you are only adding a single possible completion to COMPREPLY. Instead, you need to process the output of one item at a time. Each item is tested as a possible match, and if compgen returns a non-empty string, add that to COMPREPLY.

    _bcd() {
        local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
        IFS=: read -a matches < <( --complete "$cur")
        for match in "${matches[@]}"; do
            possible=$(IFS= compgen -W "$match" -- "$cur")
            [[ $possible ] && COMPREPLY+=( "$possible" )

    (Note: I'm assuming will produce a single line of output similar to

    directory1:directory two:directory three:directory4
