I need to authorize user based on some rols, so I need to:
class Things:
@falcon.before(myfunc, 'can_delete_tag')
@on_get(req, resp):
but it seems impossible... Any ideas?
Using internal falcon hooks is impossible unless we patch the functionality of falcon. Because hooks in falcon do not accept any parameters at all. But a standard decorator can do that:
def Authorize(action):
def request_checked(func):
def _f(self, req, resp, *args, **kw):
u = getUserInfoFromSession(req)
if isAuthorizedTo(u.get('id'), action):
return func(self, req, resp, *args, **kw)
raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized('Not Authorized', 'Permission Denied')
return _f
return request_checked
and now we can use it:
class Things:
@on_get(req, resp):