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JQTouch android webView configuration

I'm developing an application which is mainly a webview and will display a JQTouch UI. Two of the 3 views work just fine, however, I have a view which loads another page with a form which does not work at all. This view loads up just fine but when I click the link to go to the form the link just stays highlighted and nothing happens. I have overriden all of the methods in webviewclient and webchromeclient and placed breakpoints within with no luck. None of the hooks catch when I click the links.

The part that truly confounds me is that it works in the phones browser but not in my webview. Is there a setting on webview that I may be missing which would make it act like the phones browser?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


  • The fix for this was to override onLoadResource as the link was being treated as a resource and not a new page load. I tried calling webView.loadUrl right in the override of loadREsource but that caused an endless loop so I had to write some logic to load the url properly into my webView. This seems a bit hacked but it works.