Search code examples

Select count() max() Date

I have a table with shifts history along with emp ids.

I'm using this query to retrieve a list of employees and their total shifts by specifying the range to count from:

SELECT ope_id, count(ope_id)
FROM operator_shift
WHERE ope_shift_date >=to_date( '01-MAR-10','dd-mon-yy') and ope_shift_date
<= to_date('31-MAR-10','dd-mon-yy')

which gives

     1            14
     2             7
     3             6
     4             6
     5             2
     6             5
     7             2
     8             1
     9             2
    10             4

10 rows selected.

How do I choose the employee with the highest number of shifts under the specified range date?


  • Assuming your version of Oracle is new enough to support common table expressions:

    With ShiftCounts As
        SELECT ope_id, count(ope_id) ShiftCount
            , ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY Count(ope_id) Desc ) ShiftRank
        FROM operator_shift
        WHERE ope_shift_date >=to_date( '01-MAR-10','dd-mon-yy') 
            and ope_shift_date <= to_date('31-MAR-10','dd-mon-yy')
        GROUP BY OPE_ID 
    Select ope_id, ShiftCount
    From ShiftCounts
    Where ShiftRank = 1