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Valgrind-Uninitialised value error with getline() function

I want to read multiple lines from a text file by a loop, but I always get Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) error in my getline() line.

My code:

char *string;
size_t len = 0;   

while (getline(&string, &len, fileStream) != -1) { // error happens this line   
    // do something  


I tried but failed to fix it. Any solutions will be appreciated.


  • You need to do either of below.

    1. set char *string = NULL; and len to 0. [[ Preferred Method ]]

    2. allocate memory to char *string and send the size of allocated memory using len.

    Related quotes from man page for referrence

       If *lineptr is set to NULL and *n is set 0 before the call, then
       getline() will allocate a buffer for storing the line.  This buffer
       should be freed by the user program even if getline() failed.
       Alternatively, before calling getline(), *lineptr can contain a
       pointer to a malloc(3)-allocated buffer *n bytes in size.  If the
       buffer is not large enough to hold the line, getline() resizes it
       with realloc(3), updating *lineptr and *n as necessary.