need help on split Array
array example:
array (
[0] =>
:some normal text
:some long text here, and so on... sometimes
i'm breaking down and...
:some normal text
:some normal text
ok, now by using
preg_split( '#\n(?!s)#' , $text );
i get
[0] => Array
[0] => some normal text
[1] => some long text here, and so on... sometimes
[2] => some normal text
[3] => some normal text
I want get this:
[0] => Array
[0] => some normal text
[1] => some long text here, and so on... sometimes i'm breaking down and...
[2] => some normal text
[3] => some normal text
what Regex can get the entire line and also split at line break!?
Here's an example that works, even if you have a colon character embedded inside the string (but not at start of the line):
$input = ":some normal text
:some long text here, and so on... sometimes
i'm breaking: down and...
:some normal text
:some normal text";
$array = preg_split('/$\R?^:/m', $input);
[0] => some normal text
[1] => some long text here, and so on... sometimes
i'm breaking: down and...
[2] => some normal text
[3] => some normal text