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Sprite Kit App Crash on SKCAction::wasRemovedFromTarget

I have tested my app thoroughly on my device with no crashes, the game runs great. However, on my friends device and a few others, it is crashing at the same point. After running the app on my friends device I get this exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS, with no error message in the console. And my call stack is the screenshot I attached below:

Why is this happening on one device, but not others? Perhaps it's because of different iOS versions but I would like to solve this.

enter image description here

Also, here is the code I am running:

I create an SKAction to resuse. This action shoots razors across the screen for you to dodge it. It always seems to crash either 2-3 razors in..

SKAction Creation:

 CGFloat distanceToMoveArrow = self.frame.size.width + (_razorTexture.size.width*4);
SKAction* moveArrow = [SKAction moveByX:-distanceToMoveArrow y:0 duration:0.001 * distanceToMoveArrow];
SKAction* removeArrow = [SKAction removeFromParent];
_moveAndRemoveArrow = [SKAction sequence:@[moveArrow, removeArrow]];

Shooting the Razors:

 NSLog(@"Arrow Shot");

SKNode* razorGroup = [SKNode node];
razorGroup.position = CGPointMake( self.frame.size.width + _razorTexture.size.width, 0 );

SKSpriteNode* razor = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:_razorTexture];
razor.position = CGPointMake( 0, _bird.position.y);
razor.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius:_razorTexture.size.width/2];
razor.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;
razor.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = wallCategory;
razor.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = birdCategory;
[razorGroup addChild:razor];

[razorGroup runAction:_moveAndRemoveArrow];
[_obstacles addChild:razorGroup];

[self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"razor-sound.wav" waitForCompletion:NO] withKey:@"RazorSound"];

FYI - This seems to only be happening on iOS 7


  • Solved it. The problem was:

    [self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"razor-sound.wav" waitForCompletion:NO] withKey:@"RazorSound"];

    It was running multiple at the same time, so after I removed the 'withKey' it all worked perfectly.. Must be a weird bug in iOS 7.