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Is there a standard way to get previous login date of SAP user?

I've got a requirement to check whether some objects were modified since last logon of current user. There is a table USR02 that contains last logon date, but it is updated at moment of logon and here "last" means "current".

For example, I logged in 2014.11.21 and then 2014.11.26, so dates range I want to get is 21…26, but when I enter the system, date 2014.11.21 in USR02 will be overwritten with 2014.11.26.

Of course, I could follow Z-way and create my own table containing user name and previous login date, but maybe there is there a standard way to achieve this?


  • I noticed that you can see the current as well as the last logon date and time in the dialog you can open with System --> Status. I went through the code of the function pool SHSY that contains this dialog and found the following implementation:

      DATA: BEGIN OF last_logon,
              date LIKE sy-datum,
              time LIKE sy-uzeit,
              date_now LIKE sy-datum,
              time_now LIKE sy-uzeit,
            END OF last_logon.
    * ...
    * Datum und Zeit der aktuellen und letzten Anmeldung
      GET PARAMETER ID 'US2' FIELD last_logon.

    Certainly not the standard API one would expect, but apparently it's all there is...