We have a requirement to add multiple viewports in a single layout and each should have a different layer theme.
Am aware of the viewport overrides- VP Color, VP Linetype, VP Lineweight. I was able to set this directly in autocad as well.
I need to do this programatically and I am not able to find the properties to be set.
The way we generally set the layer properties
LayerTableRecord ltr = (LayerTableRecord)trans.GetObject(layerId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false);
ltr.Color = lColour;
ltr.LinetypeObjectId = linetype;
ltr.LineWeight = lineWeight;
There are no properties to set viewport overrides.
Doing the above when adding the viewport changes the model layer properties.
This should be enough to get you going on the right path:
Note: oVpId is the Viewport's ObjectId, oId is the Layout's ObjectId
Dim oLay As LayerTableRecord = TryCast(oTr.GetObject(oId, OpenMode.ForWrite), LayerTableRecord)
oLay.GetViewportOverrides(oVpId).Color or .Linetype